Recommended .Net soft real-time

.net-3.5multithreadingnetreal timewinforms

I'm interested in getting comprehensive information about soft (hard too) real-time application in .Net 3.5/4 Winforms mainly (WPF perhaps). Google results for the thing are quite poor – some quides on parallelism only … the question is how could I for example write a real-time patient-health monitoring client for some medical appliance? or broker application with real-time stock data? or navigation system for a train? or a house-automation software which is responsible for opening/closing doors? etc … so this kind of realtime app is the target.

So far I haven't found any books on it except Concurrent Programming on Windows – which is basicly not about this , rather parallelism handling …

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

My personal feeling is that if your requirements are for real time software you shouldn't be using .net

.net uses a virtual machine that is not geared towards real time applications. For example, you cannot predict when the garbage collector is going to run, or how long it is going to take. If this happened at a critical moment, your real time software would no longer be real time.

[Edit: Sorry, I know that's not really answering your question, but I think this is probably the reason why you are having trouble finding information on it - because nobody does it. If you are writing real time software you should probably be looking at C or C++ instead. And depending how critical it is, a dedicated deterministic real time operating system. Or even specific languages designed with real time in mind]