Records in Subreports Are Not Displayed In 1st Page of Crystal Report


Details Section Is Not Displayed In 1st Page of Crystal Report

Structure of my crystal report:

Report Header 
Page Header 
Group Header 
Report Footer - contains 2 subreports 

When records in my subreports are more than one page, there are no data displayed in my subreports in the first page, subreport data start in the second page.
When there are few records in the subreports (ex: 1 or 2 records only), it is displayed in the first page.

Am I missing some settings here? I don't really know what to do here…Please help.

Best Answer

From the main report, you can also check under 'Format Subreport', the 'Common' tab has a box for 'Keep Object Together'. Uncheck that to allow the subreport itself to break into multiple parts

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