References missing when I checkin files to VSS 2005

vb.netversion controlvisual-sourcesafevisual-studio-2008

I have added reference to few dlls in my Project. When I check into Visual source safe and get latest version from another machine, 2008 throws errors.

I have to add the references again in that new machine. Is there anyway where I can keep the references in spite of files checked in to VSS?

I need to send copy all the files to production server and we don't have on the production box to add reference and build the application.


Best Answer

First, be sure that the project file is checked in properly. Sometimes VS fails to regognize that the project file has changed.

A good practice is to check in all the assemblies that your project references, except the standard .NET libraries.

Another recommendation is to set up a build server, which will detect these kinds of problems early. My personal favourite is TeamCity.

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