Remote deployment to Websphere 6.1.x using wsadmin


I am trying to remotely deploy a war file to a websphere application server. I understand this is possible to do using wsadmin, but I am a Websphere newb.

I know I can run wsadmin and connect using SOAP to the remote app server, but that is where I am at.

This seems like it should be a common use case, can anyone help me with?

I suppose the use case follows:
1. Update the application
2. Save all changes
3. Restart the remote application server

I am going to do the deployment using either Hudson WAS Builder or Maven, whichever works.

Thanks for your help

Best Answer

This question is pretty old, but id like to show how we do this remotly. In this case with Ant

<target name="postbuild">
    <exec executable="C:\MyThinClient\wsadmin.bat" failonerror="true">
        <arg line="-conntype SOAP -host ${deployServer} -port ${deployPort} -user ${deployUser} -password ${deployPassword} -c" />
        <arg value="$AdminApp update ${projectName}EAR app {-operation update -contents {${artifactsDir}/${projectName}-${buildVersion}.ear}}" />

Given the correct setup of the wsadmin.bat you can run this from any server (without WAS installed) At least on WAS 6.1/7.0 ND this will only restart the application with the new binaries, not the whole server

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