Remove duplicated rows using dplyr


I have a data.frame like this –

df = data.frame(x=sample(0:1,10,replace=T),y=sample(0:1,10,replace=T),z=1:10)
> df
   x y  z
1  0 1  1
2  1 0  2
3  0 1  3
4  1 1  4
5  1 0  5
6  0 1  6
7  1 0  7
8  1 0  8
9  1 0  9
10 0 1 10

I would like to remove duplicate rows based on first two columns. Expected output –

  x y z
1 0 1 1
2 1 0 2
4 1 1 4

I am specifically looking for a solution using dplyr package.

Best Answer

Here is a solution using dplyr >= 0.5.

df <- data.frame(
  x = sample(0:1, 10, replace = T),
  y = sample(0:1, 10, replace = T),
  z = 1:10

> df %>% distinct(x, y, .keep_all = TRUE)
    x y z
  1 0 1 1
  2 1 0 2
  3 1 1 4