Visual-studio – Removing SourceSafe Integration from Visual Studio 2008

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A question was asked recently about removing SourceSafe integration from Visual Studio 6. I need to do the same with Visual Studio 2008.

Our team uses Subversion and I have installed AnkhSVN, the Subversion plug-in for VS2008 (some other members of the team use VisualSVN). I find that SourceSafe "insists" on being the integrated source control tool of choice – the setting for source control plug-in in Tools > Options > Source Control seems to reset itself every time VS2008 is closed. This is very annoying and I want to get rid of SourceSafe.

I tried running the VS2008 install with the intention of switching off (effectively uninstalling) the SourceSafe plug-in, but there is no option for it.

Best Answer

Visual Studio stores source control preferences in the solution and project files. To switch providers, you have to first "unbind" the old provider.

  • Select File > Source Control > Change Source Control, select the solution and all the project files, and click "Unbind."
  • Save the solution.
  • Then you can change the provider with Tools > Options > Source Control.

Hand-editing the .sln and .proj files also works, but it's not exactly recommended.