Repeating characters in VIM insert mode


Is there a way of repeating a character while in Vim's insert mode? For example, say I would like to insert 80 dashes, in something like emacs I would type:

Ctrl+U   8 0 -

The only way I know how to do it in VIM is to exit normal mode for the repeat argument, then go back into insert mode to type the dash, then exit to insert the actual dashes, AND then go back into insert mode to carry on typing. The sequence is a really long:

Esc 8 0 a - Esc a

It would be nice not to switch in and out of modes.

Best Answer

If you are OK with leaving INSERT mode only once (at the end), this sequence works:

Ctrl+o 80i- Esc

  • Ctrl+o is used to issue normal commands without leaving INSERT mode,
  • 80 the repetition,
  • i to insert,
  • - the character you want to insert,
  • Esc to leave INSERT mode.

Another one without EVER leaving INSERT mode:

Ctrl+o :norm 8ia Return