Replace Spring.Net IoC with another Container (e.g. Ninject)

I'm curious to know if it's possible to replace Spring.Net's built-in IoC container with Ninject. We use Ninject on my team for IoC in our other projects so I would like to continue using that container if possible.

Is this possible? Has anyone written a Ninject-Spring.Net Adapter??


I like many parts of the Spring.Net package (the data access, transactions, etc.) but I don't really like the dependency injection container. I would like to replace that with Ninject


Best Answer

Jeffrey, can you please provide an example of what you are trying to do? I do not see your point, why/where/how you want to mix the 2 containers. If your code is entirely container-agnostic, then you won't have any problems to use either container for doing the wiring.

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