Report-Designer support for ORM (.NET)


Say I have an application that used an ORM (I am thinking of nHibernate or LINQ to Entities) for data access. How do I provide my users with the ability to do reporting against the properties of my objects? All the end user report designers I know of talk directly to a database, but I don’t like having to repeat logic in reports that are already in the application’s objects.

Are there yet any standard solutions?

I am hoping for a system that use reflection (or some other method) to get the schema from my objects, then lets the user build up a linq query that can run against an IQueryable that I provide.

Having to write all the data retrieval logic myself is not appealing. Creating DataSets to represent all my objects is even less appealing. (If I liked Datasets I would not be looking at ORM systems)

Is the new .NET RIA Services a good bases for a solution?

Best Answer

You may also have a look at XtraReports from DevExpress

XtraReports can generate reports from any data source that implements IList, ITypedList or IBindingList interface.