Report showing ‘The definition of the report is invalid’ in SSDT 2015


I have a SSRS 2008 project with some reports, and recently we update the version, now I open the project with the SQL Server Data Tools 2015, and all is fine, I can deploy, edit, update all fine.

The problem comes when I want to create a new report, when I add a DataSet to the report, the preview tab says:

An error occurred during local report processing

The definition of the report 'Report Name' is invalid

and nothing more happens, I can't preview the report anymore.

Does anyone know if it is a issue of upgrade/open a SSRS 2008 solution with SSDT 2015?

Best Answer

After some research... I couldn't find anything.

So I tried to create the report in Reporting Services 2008, and when trying to preview the report after adding a DataSet it show me the same error:

An error occurred during local report processing

The definition of the report 'Report Name' is invalid

But now, it has an aditional line:

The shared dataset definition is not valid. details the required attribute 'name' is missing

And after enter the first search result in Google, it looks like the problem was that my DataSet was a Shared DataSet, JoannaK found the same problem and also found a workaround:

Found a workaround for now: Create the data set as embedded> Convert to Shared Data set Looks like the Name property is set when you start with embedded. report runs and can data sets can be uploaded to the report server

This solves my problem. Hope it helps someone in the future.

Source: JoannaK from SQL Server Data Tools Preview update for April 2016

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