Report viewer from SQL reporting services in VS 2008 report control


Report viewer from SQL reporting services in VS 2008 report control
If I create a new report in VS 2008 they have a .rdlc extension and work correctly.

I have some reports that I was using in SQL reporting services. Extensions are .rdl and want to get them to work with VS 2008.

I copied the rdl files and the files over to VS 2008 (SP1) project but when I go to select the report in the control it does not see the file (I assume it is looking for a .rdlc file)

I tried rename the file to .rdlc and loaded the file up and got

The report definition has an invalid
target namespace
which cannot be upgraded.

I see this

I see here
It says
"RDL files are fully compatible with the ReportViewer control runtime. However, RDL files do not contain some information that the design-time of the ReportViewer control depends on for automatically generating data-binding code. By manually binding data, RDL files can be used in the ReportViewer control."

But the link for how to manual bind the data is broken.

Any ideas on how to manually rebind the data? Or a better way to get these reports to work with the 2008 control?

Best Answer

The server version *.rdl in SSRS 2008 is unfortunately not compatible with its local counterpart, the *.rdlc files.

Basically, all you can do is

  • either use the .RDL directly on the server (using "remote rendering" report in your ReportViewer control)

  • basically re-create the whole report as a local report from scratch

It's unbelievable - but unfortunately, it's the truth..... let's hope with .NET 4, Visual Studio 2010 it'll be better.

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