Reporting Services 2008 – Long subreports cause page break


Similar to this question, but I have one "master" report which contains many subreports. Everything works great until one of the subreports, when rendered (to PDF, for example), will take up > the space left on a page. In this case, the page breaks so that the subreport starts on a new page. Sometimes this looks incredibly awkward when the one report only takes up a little bit of room on one page, then it breaks to the next page because the following subreport is too long. Any suggestions? It is not a width/margin problem, because when all of the subreports are short, it looks fine. Also, I am using HTML placeholders, and I do not have any margins set on the subreports, nor do I have any of these checked:

  • Add a page break before
  • Add a page break after
  • Keep contents on a single page, if possible

Best Answer

Check the MS article KB938943, I was unable to fix this...

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