Resharper (R#) 4.5 and MVC (1.0) solutions cause Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to crash on solution load

Does anyone have the issue with Resharper where opening a solution with MVC projects causes Visual studio to close/crash? No Errors, no warning, just close.

To fix the problem, I have to delete the bin and obj folders from the MVC project directory which allows the solution to be opened again.

When the solution is loaded, sometimes opening a .aspx/ascx file will close visual studio too.

I've never lost any work from this other than the occasional mismatched project/file system.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

Which version of R# are you using? I suggest

  1. first trying it out with the latest official R# version
  2. if that doesn't help, try with some of the R# nightly builds

R# can be unstable, in general - I've downloaded the latest official version yesterday and it constantly reports exceptions (not fatal ones though). The latest nightly build seems to be more stable.