Response.Redirect with headers


I'm trying to set the headers and redirecting to a different page like this –

Response.Headers.Add("id", "testtest");

And in the page_load of somepage.aspx, I'm checking the request for headers –

if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["id"]))
   // do something with "id"

But Request["id"] is always null. How do I get the values of the header in the new page? I do not want to use query strings.



Here's a little more detail — I have two ASP.NET v4 web applications (Site 1 and Site 2) running on two different machines. Site 1 has just one aspx form and it has only one button on it. On button click, I hit the database and get the value I need and should pass it on to Site 2. In the Global.asax of Site 2, I'll be reading the header information received from Site 1 and use the value.

Update #2:

I was able to get it to work —

                        @"<form action='{0}' id='test' method='POST'><input type='hidden' name='key' value={1} /></form>
                  <script type='text/javascript'>
                  </script> ",
                        "", "1234"));

In the destination site, I was able to get the value using –


Best Answer

HTTP headers are valid only for the current response. When you set a redirect the current response contains your custom header but when the browser follows the redirect location those headers are no longer present. Furthermore you are using Request["id"] in the other page so you need to sent the value as query string:
