ROBOCOPY – Copy folders content to a single folder


Here is some code I made 🙂

@echo off
set source="R:\Contracts\"
set destination="R:\Contracts\Sites\"
ROBOCOPY %source% %destination% *.srt *.pdf *.mp4 *.jpg /COPYALL /R:0 /S
for /r %source in (*) do @copy "%destination" .

R:\Contracts\ is full of folders which have files in them.

I want to copy all to R:\Contracts\Sites\ and flatten the folder structure.

Everything copies well but also the folder structure.

Thank you

Best Answer

You could do that with a PowerShell one liner. In this example I filter out all the files with the .txt extension from all the subfolders. And then send them to the Copy-Item Cmdlet.

Combine the Cmdlets Get-Childitem (GCI for short), -recurse, and -filter and then pipe the result to the Copy-Item Cmdlet. Use -WhatIf first to check that the output is what you expected.

Copy to another folder (Use -WhatIf and verify the output to check your command before committing to copying the files):

Get-Childitem -recurse R:\Contracts -filter *.txt | Copy-Item -Destination R:\Contracts\Sites -WhatIf

To do multiple filetypes as you've asked, you can just run multiple commands, one for each filetype.

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