Rollup of all Tasks of a Recurring Meeting in SharePoint


We have set up a SharePoint meeting workspace (using WSS 3.0) for our weekly team meeting. As part of our process we will enter tasks and assign them to individuals during the meeting.

Unfortunately the task lists are specific to a particular meeting. We are looking for a way to roll up all of the task generated during our weekly meeting into a unified view. Is there a way to create a view using CAML that will do that?

I know we could use a separate task list outside of the meeting workspace, but then we'd loose the meeting context the task was generated in.

A WSS 3.0 solution would be preferred!

Best Answer

If all it is is one list in recurring meeting, then you can press Actions -> Show List Items From All Meetings (something like that).

If you want to aggregate multiple meetings and/or lists ->

  • For MOSS, you could use Content Query Web Part, but you would have to do some formatting and other stuff to have it display it more like a list-view. Artricle on how-to here.
  • You may use SPDataSource and Rollups with the Data View
  • Programmatically, for MOSS and WSS, you could use SPGridView object for SPSiteDataQuery query results. SPSiteDataQuery (examples) can query all list items based on list template.
  • There is also an option to do Linked Source in SharePoint Designer, but I would not recommend that as it is not dynamic (well, you have to type list urls manually every time you add new list somwhere). If someone is interested see here.

For a regular SPQuery on recurring meetings, you have to set SPQuery.MeetingInstanceId to SPMeeting.SpecialInstance or other value to either query a specific meeting or all meeting items.