RoR + SMS: Rails web app architecture to send/receive SMS

mobile phonesruby-on-railssmsweb-applications

What web app architecture works well receiving/sending SMS text messages? By "architecture, I mean specific architecture, not generally, such as MVC.

Background: I'm building a web app that receives queries from/sends answers to cell phones. The app design (and business model) expects to communicate with cell devices via SMS text messages. IOW: There is no MVC web page "view". The cell phone screen is effectively the "view".

Best Answer

I would question whether this is really a web application. If the view layer is SMS, you don't have to use the internet as a transport, you could use hardware to connect to the cell phone network.

If you are thinking of using a commercial http/sms gateway, there is a good article on using the Ruby Clicktell gem from a Rails application. Seems like a good route to try.

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