Ruby-on-rails – Could not locate Gemfile after executing “bundle install”


I am completely new to Rails and just started created my first Project, following the Steps of a tutorial.

I created the new Project using: rails myapp.

Then I should execute bundle install, this did not work because bundler has not been installed, after an Update on Gems and installing bundler I have been able to execute bundle install, but every time I receive: Could not locate Gemfile

I checked my project dir, it is true there is no Gemfile, but should this be created automatically or not?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

That depends on your version of rails. Since you simply write rails myapp I assume you do not use Rails 3, where you would write rails new myapp. In Rails 3, at least, the Gemfile is created for you automatically, and I would recommend using the latest version of Rails.