Ruby-on-rails – form_for undefined method `user_path’


I'm getting an error :

undefined method `user_path' for #<#<Class:0x007fd1f223ead0>:0x007fd1f2241af0>

when I'm trying to edit a student. I don't really understand the "user_path" method alert since I never write this in the view. (Student is not model) and I didn't use rails g scaffold to generate it.


In my StudentsController :

def edit
  @student = User.find(params[:id])

In the view (edit.html.erb) :

<%= form_for(@student) do |f| %> ...

In routes.rb :

resources :students

Best Answer

you have a students_controller which corresponds to the resources :students line in your routes.rb. This creates routes that uses the word students like students_path and new_student_path. When using form_for(@record), the url is determined from the objects class. In this case, @record is a User so the path is users_path when the object is a new record and user_path(@record) when the object is persisted. since you don't have a users_controller defined, you need to manually set the url of the form_for to fix this error

form_for @user, url: student_path(@user), html: { method: :put } do |f|

now, if you're using a partial called _form.html.erb and uses this on both the new and edit actions, you're going to have a problem since the urls for both new and edit actions are different. you have to change your views to something like this

# new.html.erb
form_for @user, url: students_path, html: { method: :post } do |f|
  render 'form', f: f

# edit.html.erb
form_for @user, url: student_path(@user), html: { method: :put } do |f|
  render 'form', f: f

# _form.html.erb
f.text_field :name
f.text_field :title
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