Ruby-on-rails – How good is the Rails sanitize() method


Can I use ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper#sanitize on user-entered text that I plan on showing to other users? E.g., will it properly handle all cases described on this site?

Also, the documentation mentions:

Please note that sanitizing
user-provided text does not guarantee
that the resulting markup is valid
(conforming to a document type) or
even well-formed. The output may still
contain e.g. unescaped ’<’, ’>’, ’&’
characters and confuse browsers.

What's the best way to handle this? Pass the sanitized text through Hpricot before displaying?

Best Answer

Ryan Grove's Sanitize goes a lot farther than Rails 3 sanitize. It ensures the output HTML is well-formed and has three built-in whitelists:

Sanitize::Config::RESTRICTED Allows only very simple inline formatting markup. No links, images, or block elements.

Sanitize::Config::BASIC Allows a variety of markup including formatting tags, links, and lists. Images and tables are not allowed, links are limited to FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and mailto protocols, and a attribute is added to all links to mitigate SEO spam.

Sanitize::Config::RELAXED Allows an even wider variety of markup than BASIC, including images and tables. Links are still limited to FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, and mailto protocols, while images are limited to HTTP and HTTPS. In this mode, is not added to links.