Ruby-on-rails – mongomapper, rails3 edge: undefined method `to_key’ on form_for


when i am trying to get the basic devise examples running with current git versions from rails, mongomapper and devise, i have the following error appearing:

undefined method `to_key' for #<Admin:0x23dee04> 

here is my actual source:

4: = form_for @admin, :url => admins_path do |f| 
5:   - field_set_tag 'Update my email' do 
6:     %p= f.text_field :email 
7:     %p= error_message_on @admin, :email 

@admin is the currently logged in user (@admin= current_admin)
the same error occurs when trying to use @admin=Admin.first in the

i am not quite sure if this is a mongomapper problem, might also be
rails3 related…
thanks for any pointers…

the same happens if i am using the erb equivalent, see

<%= form_for @admin, :url => { :action => "create" } do |fr| %>
<%= fr.text_field :sign_in_count %> 
<% end %>

here is the full error output:

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