Ruby-on-rails – Rails, Cucumber, Capybara: session is not persisted


I'm trying to write a test for a feature that relies on some session stored data and my scenario looks like this:

Scenario: Create offer
  Given I am on the start offer page
  When I select "Foo" from "bar"
  And I press "Go on"
  Then I should see "You are going to offer foo"

By using the debugger I found out, that the information is stored in the session correctly, but on every new request I get a fresh session.

Should'nt there be a working session for at least every scenario? Any ideas why this isn't the case?

Thanks in advance,

Versions: Running on rails 2.3.10, cucumber 0.10.0, cucumber-rails 0.3.2, capybara

Best Answer

We had the problem with loosing the session due to capybara switching the host name in mid-test. The scenario was something like the following:

# Good
When I visit some page
# will call 'http://capybarawhatever/some_page
And I click the the button
# will call 'http://capybarawhatever/some_new_page'
Then I still have the session

# Failing
When I visit some page
# will call 'http://capybarawhatever/some_page'
And I do something that redirects me to ""
And I visit some page
# No this may go to '
Then I have lost my session

This may be worth investigating. You can get the current_url in your session, and you may set a new host for capybara using host! ''