Ruby-on-rails – RSpec Error: Mock “Employee_1” received unexpected message:to_ary with(no args)


My application has two models: User and Employee, and their relation is user has_many employees.

As I trying to write a Rspec test case for the employee controller:

describe "GET 'edit'" do
  it "should get user/edit with log in" do
    employee = mock_model(Employee, :id=>1, :user_id=>
    get :edit, :id=>employee
    response.should be_success

I got the result as:



  1) EmployeesController GET 'edit' should get user/edit with log in
     Failure/Error: get :edit, :id=>employee
       Mock "Employee_1" received unexpected message :to_ary with (no args)
     # C:in `find'
     # ./app/controllers/employees_controller.rb:41:in `edit'
     # ./spec/controllers/employees_controller_spec.rb:51:in `block (3 levels) in '

Finished in 4.31 seconds
5 examples, 1 failure

Can someone help me out with this please? Thanks

Best Answer

I think the problem is you are using mock_model, which will throw errors if you call a method on the model that you are not explicitly creating an expectation for. In this case, you could create you employee with stub_model since you are performing no checks on calls actually made to the model.

describe "GET 'edit'" do

  it "should get user/edit with log in" do
    employee = stub_model(Employee, :id=>1, :user_id=>
    get :edit, :id=>employee
    response.should be_success
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