Ruby-OpenID: Requiring email-address from OpenID provider


I'm playing with the authlogic-example-app and I'm failing to get the email address from the OpenID provider (in my case: Google and Yahoo) when I register a user, resp. I get an empty response instead of an email address (check the comments in code below).

This is how my user model looks like (everything else looks like the "with_openid"-branch of the authlogic-example-app mentioned above). Besides the missing 'email', the openid-authentication-process works as expected:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  acts_as_authentic do |c| 
    # not needed because I use OpenID
    c.validate_login_field = false
    # avoid failed validation before OpenID request
    c.validate_email_field = false
    # this one sets 'openid.sreg.required=email'
    c.required_fields = [:email]


  # overwriting the existing method in '/lib/authlogic_openid/acts_as_authentic.rb'
  def map_openid_registration(registration)
    # this is my problem: 'registration' is an empty hash ||= registration[:email] if respond_to?(:email) && !registration[:email].blank?


Any idea how to solve this? Has anyone here done this before using authlogic? Or even better: Do you have a working example?

Update: I checked the Google Account Authentication API and compared the request submitted by authlogic (using ruby-openid-gem and openid-authentication-plugin) with the example requests on the Google Account Authentication API docs:

Example request to authenticate and fetch email address by Google:

Request submitted by my appliation:

While debugging the whole setup, I've found out that the openid-authentication-plugin never receives an email in the response it receives from the openid provider, this at least explains why the registration hash in my user-model is empty…

UPDATE: If you're playing around with authlogic and openid, don't forget to check out the latest railscast on this subject!

Best Answer

As nobody could help me, I helped myself. :-)

The short answer to my question is:

c.required_fields = [:email,""]

Using this line, the application requests the email-address using sreg and ax (request-type supported by Google).

You can find a more detailed answer and a working implementation of authlogic-openid with the Javascript OpenID-Selector right here:

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