Ruby-on-rails – Ruby/Rails: converting a Date to a UNIX timestamp


How would I get a UNIX timestamp (number of seconds since 1970 GMT) from a Date object in a Rails app?

I know Time#to_i returns a timestamp, but doing Date#to_time and then getting the timestamp results in something that's off by about a month (not sure why…).

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Edit: OK, I think I figured it out- I was processing a date several times in a loop, and each time the date was moved a little because of a time zone mismatch, ultimately leading to my timestamp being a month off. Still, I'd be interested in knowing if there's any way to do this without relying on Date#to_time.

Best Answer

The code date.to_time.to_i should work fine. The Rails console session below shows an example:

=> Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 -0800 2009
=> 1259222400
=> Thu Nov 26 00:00:00 -0800 2009

Note that the intermediate DateTime object is in local time, so the timestamp might be a several hours off from what you expect. If you want to work in UTC time, you can use the DateTime's method "to_utc".