Running a batch file in a remote machine as an administrator


I am having a virtual machine which i am using it as a server. I have my local machine as a client.

I have a windows batch file in the virtual machine, a.k.a the server which has a series of command.

I try to run the batch file from the client through psexec. I can access the file and execute the file. But not all the commands are executed. They need administrative privileges.

The command that i use is

psexec \virtualmachinename -s -u domainname\username -p PASSWORD c:\foldername\batchfile.bat

NOTE 1: I cannot select the option of "Run as Administrator" in the properties of the batch file. The check box is grayed, that means i cannot select/deselect anything.

NOTE 2: I have given the user of my virtual machine full administrative privileges.

Any insight or possible solutions will be of great help.

Best Answer

If the account you are logging into with is an Administrator then your code should be working.

However the first thing I would try would be to add runas /user:administrator ie:

psexec \\virtualmachinename -u domainname\username -p PASSWORD cmd && runas /user:administrator && c:\foldername\batchfile.bat
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