Sass ampersand, select immmediate parent


Is there a way in Sass to use the ampersand to select the immediate parent, rather than the parent selector of the entire group? For example:

    background-color: $colour_nav_bg;
        color: $colour_inactive;
        .active &{
            color: red;

compiles to:

.wrapper h1{
    color: grey;

.active .wrapper h1{
    color: red

but what I actually want is:

.wrapper .active h1{
    color: red;

Is the only option to write the SCSS like so?

    background-color: $colour_nav_bg;
        color: $colour_inactive;
    .active h1{
        color: red;

The HTML looks like this:

<ul class="wrapper">
    <li class="active">

Best Answer

You can work around this today with a mixin like this one:

@mixin if-direct-parent($parent-selector) {
  $current-sequences: &;
  $new-sequences: ();

  @each $sequence in $current-sequences {
    $current-selector: nth($sequence, -1);
    $prepended-selector: join($parent-selector, $current-selector);
    $new-sequence: set-nth($sequence, -1, $prepended-selector);
    $new-sequences: append($new-sequences, $new-sequence, comma);

  @at-root #{$new-sequences} {

Since the & is essentially a list of lists, you can use list functions (nth, set-nth, join and append) to create the selector sequence you want. Then use @at-root to output the new selector at root-level. Here's how you'd use it:

.grandparent-2 {
  color: red;

  .child {
    color: blue;

    @include if-direct-parent('.parent') {
      color: green;

Which will output:

.grandparent-2 {
  color: red;
.grandparent-1 .child,
.grandparent-2 .child {
  color: blue;
.grandparent-1 .parent .child, .grandparent-2 .parent .child {
  color: green;
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