Scala – Converting String RDD to Int RDD


I am new to scala..I want to know when processing large datasets with scala in spark is it possible to read as int RDD instead of String RDD

I tried the below:

val intArr = sc

But I am getting the error:

error: value toInt is not a member of Array[String]

I need to convert to int rdd because down the line i need to do the below

val vectors = => Vectors.dense(p))

which requires the type to be integer

Any kind of help is truly appreciated..thanks in advance

Best Answer

As far as I understood, one line should create one vector, so it should goes like:

val result = sc
           .map(line => line.split(","))
           .map(numbers => Vectors.dense( will map every element of array to int, so result type will be Array[Int]

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