Scala – Play! 2.0 framework multi Module project


I would need to have two different projects, let's say internal and external, which use the same data layer, and I would like to avoid replicating the configuration file for dryness reasons.

I have looked to the sub projects documentation at but the doc is pretty short.

I am now aware of the possibility to modularize the configuration, thanks to @Georg Engel

import sbt._
import Keys._
import PlayProject._

object ApplicationBuild extends Build {

    val appName         = "MyApp"
    val appVersion      = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"

    val appDependencies = Seq(
      // Add your project dependencies here,

    lazy val common = Project(appName + "-common", file("modules/common"))

    lazy val website = PlayProject(
    appName + "-website", appVersion, path = file("modules/website")

    lazy val adminArea = PlayProject(
    appName + "-admin", appVersion, path = file("modules/admin")

    lazy val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = SCALA).settings(
      // Add your own project settings here      
    website, adminArea


and the compilation errors I had where only due to the reverse router (canceling routes but not controller actions result in this)

Best Answer

Here is what I do and have done. I make a multi-module Maven project where I basically keep all my core reusable code.

Then for all my other web projects (projects that make a WAR) I use SBT, Gradle, and even Ant with Maven plugins in some cases. Those projects hold there own config (like db host and creds).

   - pom.xml
   - db-module
     - pom.xml
     - src/main/resources # possible classpath loading config here
     - etc...
   - mail-module
     - pom.xml
     - etc...
   - service-module
     - pom.xml
     - etc...

Other projects then just depend on the framework and for SBT projects (play 2.0) you can set it up so that one of your resolvers is a local maven repo:

EDIT for clarification: Framework pom.xml is the parent project. You can make the mail-module depend on the db-module and then in your separate web app project you can just depend on the mail-module and you will get both the mail-module and the db -module.

Many people throw Maven under the bus but it still does multi-module projects better than anything else.

More explanation:

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