Scala – Play with Activator Issue on IntelliJ Idea 14


I have the following problem on IntelliJ IDEA 14:

I created a Play (Scala) project using the Activator (v1.2.10). Then, I converted it to an IDEA project using activator idea command. When, I opened the project with IDEA 14 (Community Edition) the SBT module is not enabled. Therefore, a new dependency in build.sbt file is not included in the classpath. Moreover, the project is not listed in IDEA's SBT view.

The following warning is shown by IDEA:

"This IDEA project is converted from an SBT project by gen-idea tool, which currently relies on a legacy Scala project model. Please consider using built-in SBT support via the Import project action."

Note that, the Scala and SBT plugins are already installed on IDEA.

I don't encounter with the same issue in IDEA 13.

Best Answer

Have you tried File | Import Project and select build.sbt file?

IDEA imports it as an SBT project, with all the dependencies properly resolved. It works fine for me on IDEA 14 and on 13.