Selenium – How to select specified node within Xpath node sets by index with Selenium


I'm writing a Selenium testcase. And here's the xpath expression I use to match all 'Modify' buttons within a data table.


My question is, how can I visit the matched node sets by index? I've tried with



//img[@title='Modify' and position() = i]

But neither works..
I also tried with XPath checker(One firefox extension). There're totally 13 matches found, then I have totally no idea how am I gonna select one of them..
Or does XPath support specified selection of nodes which are not under same parent node?

Best Answer

This is a FAQ:


means: all someName elements in the document, that are the third someName child of their parent -- there may be many such elements.

What you want is exactly the 3rd someName element:


Explanation: the [] has a higher precedence (priority) than //. Remember always to put expressions of the type //someName in brackets when you need to specify the Nth node of their selected node-list.