Selenium – How to set up Selenium to work with Visual Studio .NET using C#


I tried to google, but there are many different ways to work with Selenium. I'm using:
– Windows 2003 Server
– Visual Studio 2008
– Selenium IDE installed through Firefox
– NUnit 2.5 is copied into C:\
– Selenium RC is copied into C:\

  1. First I created a Library Project using C#.
  2. And this my class :
using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using NUnit.Framework;
using Selenium;

namespace SeleniumTest
    public class NewTest
        private ISelenium selenium;
        private StringBuilder verificationErrors;

        public void SetupTest()
            selenium = new DefaultSelenium( "localhost", 4444, "*iexplore", "http://localhost:4444" );
            verificationErrors = new StringBuilder();

        public void TeardownTest()
            catch( Exception )
                // Ignore errors if unable to close the browser
            Assert.AreEqual( "", "" );

        public void TheNewTest()
            selenium.Open( "/" );
  1. Next add all references from the C:\Selenium RC\selenium-dotnet-client-driver-1.0.1
  2. Compiled the Library Project, succeeded. No errors.
  3. Run NUnit.exe, now errors 🙁

Selenium.SeleniumException : XHR
Response_Code = 403 Error_Message =

Best Answer

You are getting the Forbidden error because you are setting the baseURL to that of Selenium RC. You need to set it to and then in your test would look like

    public void TheNewTest()
        selenium.Open( "/" );

or you need to change your test to

    public void TheNewTest()
        selenium.Open( "" );