Selenium – Is Selenium a good piece of testing software to use?


On my last project, I created some test cases through Selenium, then automated them so they would run on every build launched from hudson. It worked fantastic, and was consistent for about a month.

Then the tests started failing. It was, most times, timing issues which caused the failures. After about two weeks of effort put in over the course of the next two months, it was decided to drop the Selenium tests. They should have been passing, but the responses and timing of the web application were varying to the extent to which tests would fail when they should have passed.

Did you have a similar experience? Is Selenium still a good tool to use for Web Application testing?

Best Answer

Selenium is great tool for web testing, although it's important to make sure your tests are reliable. Timing issues are common, so I would suggest the following:

  • Make sure you set a sensible timeout value. I find between 1-2 minutes works well.
  • Don't have pauses in your tests - they are the main cause for timing issues. Instead use the waitFor* commands. The waitForCondition is very useful
  • Identify external calls that can cause timeouts and block that traffic from the machine running tests. You can do this on a firewall level or simply redirect the domain to localhost in your hosts file.


You should also consider using Selenium Grid. It wont directly help with your timeouts, but it can provide a quicker feedback loop for your failures. If you're using TestNG to run your tests you can get it to automatically rerun failures - this gives the tests failing due to timeouts a second chance.

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