Sequelize one to many query


Hello I am trying to make a query between a one to many table (one user has many preferences). At the moment, I have a query that consist of a search for the ID of the user in the User table and a search in the preferences table for that ID. This is my working solution.

        const {username} = req.params

        User.findOne({where: {username: username}, attributes:['id']})
            .then(res => {
                const obj = res.get({plain:true})
                Preferences.findAll({ where:{ userId:}})
                    .then(res => {
                        const data = => (r.toJSON()));
                        console.log('sucess: ', data)
                    .catch(err => console.log('inner error'))
            .catch(err => console.log('outer error', err))

How can I refine this with a .findAll query? I've come up with the following query which returns all the users with a foreign key in the Preferences table. However, I can't get this to work for a specific username.

            include: [{
                model: User, 
                where: {userId: sequelize.where(Sequelize.col('userId'), Sequelize.col(''))}

If this question has already been answered can you kindly direct me to the post? I've been digging through Stack Overflow solutions but haven't had any luck. Thanks in advance!


Here's the final solution in case it helps anyone in the future. I fixed the association between my models and tweaked the query:

//User has many Preferences 
User.hasMany(models.Preferences, {
  foreignKey: 'userId', 
  sourceKey: 'id',

//Preferences has one User
  foreignKey: 'userId', 
  targetKey: 'id',
  onDelete: 'CASCADE',

//Query for Preferences by Username

get: (req, res) => {
    const {username} = req.params
      include: [{
        model: Preferences, 
        where: {username: username}
    .then(response => {
        const data = => (r.toJSON()));
        console.log('success: ', data[0].Preferences)   
    .catch(err => console.log('outer error', err))

Best Answer

Make sure that you have declared the assocation between your models.

  include: [{
    model: Preferences,
    where: { userId: Sequelize.col('') }

sequlize documentation for creating assocation

Also here is a usefull blog link,

If face any error, let me know through comments.

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