Session Time Out in 4.0 on IIS 7.5


I want to set timeout for my web application for 12 hours.

I have done setting in web.config file as:

     <sessionState timeout="720" />

As suggested in the following post:

  • I came to know that the Application Pool recycles in every 20 minutes (if the pool is ideal).

    And I also checked for changing the application pool time out using one question about application pool timeout setting
  • But still the session time-out is not set to 720 minutes. Do I need to change machine.config file for changing the session time out.
    But I think the properties of machine.config file should be overriden by web.config file.

Kindly provide me some idea.

Best Answer

You can try out WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation) script it can help you.You need to have sufficient priveleges to implement the Script.

follwing are the links you can check to get more information.