Set max and min stringLength for Zend ValidatorRules


I am in the beginning of learning Zend Framework.

I need to check if a string has exceed the maximum, say, 200, and minimum length is 0.

Here is the validatorRules I created:

$validators = array('descr' => array(array('stringLength', array('max'=>200))));

But this validator return false if the stringLength is 0.

What I want is a validator that make sure my string is below 200. (length of 0 is acceptable)

edit: I am not using form, instead, is a REST web service, that accept input from query string, so 'setRequired' is not working in my case.

Any solution?


Best Answer

ok make sure you don't have setRequired(true); (or set it to false if you like) and then use addValidator('stringLength', false, array(0, 200))

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