SFTP task for msbuild


Does anyone know of an SFTP task for msbuild? We'd like to automate our deployments to production, but for security reasons we don't allow SMB file-share access from our dev/test/build environment to production.

Right now, developers deploy code by manually uploading the files using FileZilla, over an SFTP connection. This is pretty error-prone, so we're planning to automate the SFTP upload. Though if there's some mechanism other than SFTP which would be just as secure, I'd be happy to use that instead.

I'm thinking of just using the "exec" msbuild task, and a command-line ftp client such as pscp. But if someone's built an sftp task already, that would of course be great.


Best Answer

Could install WinSCP and just use the MsBuild Exec Task

I used something like the following to upload an ISO file to a server after a build.

winscp.exe sftp://root:password;@ "c:\myfile.iso"