SharePoint 2007: How to upload multiple files to a List Item

file uploadsharepointsharepoint-2007

I know that a Document Library in SharePoint 2007 has a multi-file uploader (an ActiveX control that — and only if you have Office 2003+ installed) but how would I use this same feature with a normal (non-document-library) List item?

Uploading files to a normal List item involves clicking the "upload" link and browsing/uploading files one by one. Is there a better way than this? Surely there must be.


Best Answer

There is an approach I use, but there is no UI support for it. You may find it a bit tedious for onsey-twosey uploads, but it saved me hours once for serious bulk uploads.

The same WebDAV functionality that we get when using "Open with Windows Explorer" on a document library is available for a list.

Say I have a list at

I can open the list in Windows Explorer by going to the address \\\sites\Widgets\Lists\MyList.

Attachments are stored in the sub-folder Attachments, which contains folders with numeric names (1, 2, 3, ... and so on). The numbers correspond to the item ID of the list item. Pick (or create) a folder with the ID corresponding to the item you want to upload to, and it's drag-and-drop from there.

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