SharePoint 2010 Restore-SPSite problems


I have create SharePoint 2010 site collection backup through Power shell, by using the command

Backup-SPSite "http://sitename:85" -path "C:\backup.bak" -Force

and i am restoring this backup on same SharePoint 2010 server/same machine on different port by using the command

Restore–SPSite "http://sitename:81" -path "C:\backup.bak" -Force

it through this error

Restore-SPSite : Your backup is from a different version of Microsoft SharePoin
t Foundation and cannot be restored to a server running the current version. Th
e backup file should be restored to a server with version '' or later.
At line:1 char:15
+ Restore-SPSite <<<< "http://sitename:81" -path "C:\backup.bak" -Force
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (Microsoft.Share…dletRestoreSite:
SPCmdletRestoreSite) [Restore-SPSite], SPException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell.SPCmdletRestoreS

I am amazed. i create the backup and restore on same SharePoint server, then why it is asking different version of Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Any kind of help will be appreciated.

Best Answer

I had similar issue migrating SPF2010 to different server.

Sollution: database upgrade on source server.

How: Open Sharepoint PowerShell, and type Upgrade-SPContentDatabase command, hit R(maybe Y) when promt.


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