SharePoint 2010 rich text field showing html tags in list views


I have a custom list made up of out of the box SharePoint field types (no custom field types used), but I am using custom new/edit/display form on the list which I have created using application pages.

We want the users of the forms to be able to put rich text formatting on these fields, so I am using the following tags for this….
<SharePoint:InputFormTextBox ID="rteChangeDesc" RichText="true" RichTextMode="FullHtml" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine" Rows="10" Width="99%" Columns="500"></SharePoint:InputFormTextBox>

This works great on the forms but the list views all show the html tags. I've tried various ways of removing these, including setting the disable-output-escaping="yes" in SharePoint designer, and this hasn't worked.

Currently, I am saving the fields to the list in the code-behind using Server.HtmlEncode(), then using the HTMLDecode to display the contents correctly.

Is there a way of easily removing HTML tags in the view column, without loosing the rich text functionality and tool bar in the forms?

Or can I do something in the code-behind code before saving these to the list that would make them display in view columns but keep the formatting in the form?

Any help appreciated! Thanks!

Best Answer

Go to List Settings and modify the individual columns to show only rich text and not enhanced rich text. It worked for me. I can still include links and pictures and other HTML items but you do not see the code behind it.

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