SharePoint CAML Query AND/OR operators


I would appreciate any help on getting my CAML query to work.
I have the following list:

| ID | Department | Status |

I am trying to get the query to return list items where ID=1, Department=Audit, and Status= "Stopped" OR "In Progress".

Can anyone please help?


Best Answer


            <FieldRef Name='ID' />
            <Value Type='Counter'>1</Value>
               <FieldRef Name='Department' />
               <Value Type='Choice'>Audit</Value>
                  <FieldRef Name='Status' />
                  <Value Type='Choice'>In Progress</Value>
                  <FieldRef Name='Status' />
                  <Value Type='Choice'>Not Started</Value>

Note: it is assumed that Department is a Choice field

I would recommend you to utilize the tool that will help you build your CAML Queries, for example U2U Caml Query Builder

enter image description here

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