Sharepoint change Content Type in Sharepoint Designer using workflow


i trying to change document content type. I must use workflow, and the best way will by workflow create in sharepoint desingner. I know how do it programatical in visual studio

Best Answer

I know this is an old question, but I figured this out:

You CAN do this using a SPD workflow (SPD 2007 or 2010). You can call the content type field in two ways:

  1. In a workflow, use the "If [field] equals [value]" or the "Set [field] to [value]"

  2. For the "If" statement, the field will be called "Content Type". The "Set" statement field will be called "Content Type ID". In either case you can assign the value based on available content types.

You do need to enable content types on the list or library settings. Here's an example workflow based on a custom list to record Accounts Payable entries:

List Column: Request Type (choice column with the choices of Reimbursement, Department Expense, Other)

List Content Types: Default, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable

If [Request Type] equals [Reimbursement]
then Set [Content Type ID] to [Accounts Payable]

When the workflow fires, it will only set the Content Type to Accounts Payable if the Request Type column is equal to Reimbursement.

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