SharePoint List.getListItems WebService to return sub folder contents, recursively

sharepointsharepoint-2010sharepoint-apiweb services

I am calling the lists.asmx webservice from CXF.
The following soap call does not return files from list sub folders. It returns folder1,folder2 and file1.pdf

Shared Documents

SOAP call

POST /_vti_bin/lists.asmx HTTP/1.1 Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soap1="">
         <soap1:listName>Shared Documents</soap1:listName>
           <ViewAttributes Scope="RecursiveAll"/>

Any clues on how to get files from folder1, folder3 and sub-folder1 included in the result?.
If Lists web service cannot do it, is there an alternative service/method?

Additional Information:
There is another webservice, SiteData (_vti_bin/sitedata.asmx). It has a similar method ( getListItems) and returns all files with just the list name and no additional parameters.The issue is I could not figure out how/where to specify the Paging parameter, as there is NO queryOptions input element like in the Lists webservice.


Best Answer

It is possible to get the list contents recursively, using <ViewAttributes Scope="RecursiveAll"/> elment. There is a silly mistake in my soap envelope. The queryOptions element has no namespace. I fixed in the following text.

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:soap1="">
         <soap1:listName>Shared Documents</soap1:listName>
           <ViewAttributes Scope="RecursiveAll"/>

Btw, there is a great tool, U2U CAML Builder to build SharePoint CAML. I wish I found that a few weeks ago.

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