Sharepoint workflow is automattically canceling


We are having our Sharepoint workflow automattically canceling?? Every once in awhile this would happened. This is the 3rd time out of 20 infopath forms. I am not sure what is causing this and am not sure how to troubleshoot this eiether. It doesnt happend when the workflow starts but rather in the middle of the process which is a lenghty workflow with several steps.

no messages I can see. It just sAYS workflow is canceled. I even tried to run a workflow report and it says report has no data.

I do not see anything in the server logs ?????

now we discovered 2 more workflows that were mysteriously canceled in a another library. it seems sporadic.

these are web forms

I found this

but mine are not canceling immediately and its only on a hand full not all

I think I am going to recreate the workflows. I think something could have got broken in the workflow schema b/c I tried to reuse a list workflow with a newly created form library. It seemed to work for awhile though.

I sort of opened the xml file and changed the list ID and imported it into the worklfow folder with SPDes

I notice they are canceling in the middle of the parrallel Block where multiple tasks (collect data from a user) are running at the same time on all 6 canceled workflows

Any experiences out there? Thanks

Best Answer

It could be worth checking what is written in ULS logs (c:\program files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\logs). You will find quite a lot of information there, search for the exact hour/minute/second when it happened.

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