Shelving and UnShelving TortoiseHG code on two separate computers


Can i shelve some code I've been working on, at work, with TortoiseHG .. go home .. pull/merge/update … and then UnShelve and continue working at home?

Does TortoiseHG offer this?

At work, I created a new shelve and added all my 'touched' files into the shelve. But when I got home I couldn't find/see the shelve, etc.

Best Answer

The shelf is just a file on the local copy of the repository, so if you are working from another computer you won't see the shelf.

Note: TortoiseHg's implementation is just to create a diff in the file .hg\shelve, so potentially you could email the file home and place it in the .hg folder (being careful not to destroy an existing shelf of course!)

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