Show dialog with MVVM Light toolkit


I have a ViewModel that needs to show a modal window (using ShowDialog()) on a button click. The ViewModel catches the click command, but I don't want to do window.ShowDialog() within my ViewModel. I know there is a DialogMessage in MVVM Light, but that is used to show message boxes, not WPF modal windows.

Any ideas on how to do this?

Best Answer

You should use Messenger class. On the View register a message to show window, and then when you need to show it call Send method of Messenger class.

You can do something like this:

    //do this in the code-behind file of your View
    Messenger.Default.Register<string>(this, ShowWindow);
    private void ShowWindow(string message)
        // your logic here
    // In the ViewModel
    Messenger.Default.Send(“Some text”);