Sockets – Non Blocking recv() in C Sockets


I am using an infinite loop in sockets in which if it receives some data it should receive it or if it wants to send data it sends. Something like given below. I am using select. I have only one socket sd.

fd_set readsd;
int maxsd = readsd +1;
// all those actions of setting maxsd to the maximum fd +1 and FDSETing the FDs.
     FD_SET(sd, &read_sd);
     if(FD_ISSET(sd, &readsd))
       //recv call
       //send call

As far as I know, select selects one of the socket descriptors on which data arrives first. But here I have only one socket, and I want to recv if there is some data or I want to send otherwise.

In that case, is the code given above fine? Or there is some other option for me which I don't know about?

Best Answer

In that case, is the code given above fine ?

I don't see any call to select. Also, if “maxsd” is designed to be the first argument of select, its value is wrong : it must be the bigest file descriptor +1. Anyway, you could simply call recv with the flag MSG_DONTWAIT, in which case it will return an error if there is no data to read.