Sockets – Win32 Sockets vs. Named Pipes


Is it possible to use sockets on Win32 and not have the firewall possibly block the port you are using?

In Unix, you can use IF_UNIX instead of IF_INET (i.e. named pipes instead of sockets). Right now in Windows you can open a socket using different protocols:

socket(AF_INET,    SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP);     //open an IPv4 socket
socket(AF_BTH,     SOCK_RAW, BTHPROTO_RFCOMM); //open a Bluetooth socket
socket(AF_NETBIOS, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP);     //open an IPX/SPX socket
socket(AF_INET6,   SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP);     //open an IPv6 socket

Is there any way to open a named pipe socket? E.g. (hypothetical construct)

socket(AF_NAMEDPIPE, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_TCP);   //open a named pipe socket

Best Answer

As John Cavan (who I think I once went to school with) says, using the loopback address should avoid the NIC and firewall altogether, and also gives you the ability of changing to a full client-server model (i.e. separate machines, possibly on different platforms) later on with minimal code changes.

I have also used shared memory successfully for same-machine communications. This is generally faster that TCP/IP and named pipes. However, I have found named pipes on Win32 to be reliable and relatively fast.

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