Specify the revision to checkout in a TeamCity build


Is there a way to specify which SVN revision to checkout in a TeamCity build?

If I attempt to change the SVN URL to include the revision using the @ notation, eg.


then I get an error ("Unknown path kind").

I've searched all TeamCity documentation and can find nothing appropriate.

The background to this question is that I would like to run tests on a particular revision that for some reason was not done in the past (eg. the URL was not in TeamCity at the time).

Best Answer

Yes, just hit the ellipses next to the "Run" button to trigger a custom build and choose the revision from the "Last change to include" list in the resultant screen. BUT - you can only choose from revisions which the build has previously run.

Unfortunately the only other option is to create a separate VCS root against a tag of the revision you want to run to do this. Not elegant, but it works.

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