Speed up Running Total MDX calculated measure


I'm using the follow mdx to keep a running total of the Period Balance measure in my cube:

SUM({[Due Date].[Date].CurrentMember.Level.Item(0):[Due Date].[Date].CurrentMember}, [Measures].[Period Balance])

It works great, however it's really slow as the amount of data displayed increases. I can't use a MTD or YTD because the users may be analyzing data that overlaps years. Any way I can speed this up?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I take it you've seen this? http://sqlblog.com/blogs/mosha/archive/2006/11/17/performance-of-running-sum-calculations-in-sp2.aspx

Failing that, there is another sample which uses the technique of taking the parent's prior totals and the parent's current child from first sibling to current - So you'd sum the prior months and then this month's days - That'll only work if you have a date hierarchy though:


I think the pictures there explain it better, its the "Summing Increments" section.

Are you query-logging and doing usage-based aggregations?

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